Yesterday was an all day thing taking mom to the Dr. (Just 2 of many) well, one is not Dr It’s where she gets her IGG treatment at the infusion center. It takes 4-5 hours for her treatment. Then we had to go to IMA, her arthritis Dr. I usually still can do a few things of my own, like blogging on them day, but not yesterday. Dan called about 11 and said his water pump went out on his truck. He had his uncle to come and haul his truck to Maw's, but that meant after I got through with mom I would have to go pick up the part, then drive all the way there. It was nice sitting there talking to maw (Dan's grandmother), but I so much needed to get home. I stayed till I made sure he had his truck running then we came home to do this......
After we got that done, I had to run and get a few groceries. I usually like to do all the shopping in one day, but because it was almost 8 pm and I had not cooked supper, I had to do just a little. I fixed something that wouldn't take too long, sit on the couch, then about 10 Dan woke me to go to bed. Today I have got to fit 2 days into one, because we have a work day at the church Saturday, a car wash for the teens and I need to do some more in the garden. So, today I will finish my shopping, do momma's shopping, pay our bills and clean momma's house. Plus on top of all that, I will be watching two of my great nephews for the next 2 weeks. I had already told their mom I couldn't, but she came back and said she couldn't find anyone else. It is going to be 2 weeks before their paper work and a place for them at the day care.
That's just a few of the things I have got to get done. I know everybody else has got a lot to do also, but I thought I would let you know what was going on in my world just in case I don't make it to visit yours or don't get to post much till Monday.
Hope you have a Wonderful Day!
Wow, your day exhausted me.
Sign me up for fun Monday, but for the life of me I can't find what our challenge's been a rough morning, what can I say.
Wow. I hope watching your nephews isn't too much for you. Don't forget about the straw and the camel.
Take care.
I'm shattered just reading this~ and I feel rather guilty that I have so little to do now I'm retired!
I'm so glad I haven't planted anything snowed yesterday and is supposed to freeze tonight.
you must be wearing your Buzz Lightyear Costume -
There's no other way you'd be meeting all those demands. Whew.
I'm out of breath just reading that post. When it's all done, don't forget to carve out a little *Momma* time for a little rest and relaxation.
Sounds like a great, full, exhausting weekend!
Wow, I thought my life was crazy, and it is, but you sure have a lot going on. I like your new look for your header.
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