And a BIG THANK YOU to Ami! Girl!, I appreciate your card you sent. It brought me so much JOY! I think about you and several others each and everyday. I have tried to sit and write you back several times, but I get interrupted.
The last time I wrote on my blog I was bummed out, burned out and whatever else you want to call it. I'm doing a whole lot better, but have not had time to sit down at the computer very much. My kids have been doing my farm town and farm-ville for me on face-book.
Mom has been doing really good for the past 3 - 4 weeks, but life is still so busy I don't even have time to do very much.
Hopefully in a few days I can set down and write a post about everything going on and catch up on some of yall.
I love and miss yall very much!
HUGS to All!!!