Sunday, January 27, 2008

Fun Monday: What's by your beside.

Angela is our host this week. Here is her instructions... So continuing in the spirit of "being interested in people", I would like to know, or see, what's on, in or under your bedside table! So open those draws and bare your soul to us! Is there anything special there that has a story or a memory that you can tell us about? Books that you keep there to delve into from time to time? Trinkets that you don't know where else to put? Let's see!

My 1st thought was OMGEES! She really wants to see what's on our beside table? Should I take a few off? Omgees! Nope! I left it all there, so here you go!!!!

These 1st 2 pictures are of 2 different views of my table. I have my C-Pap machine with a glass of water to fill it with. I also have my drink, cell phone, cigs, ash-tray, baby powder, lamp, a candle, a belt buckle, peppermint, tolite paper and I'm not telling what that last little bottle is. You are just going to have to use your imagination. Ha! Ha!

These next 2 pictures are the books I'm reading and studying.

Well!, There you go! That is what is on my bed side table. Oh, I guess you noticed that I don't have a alarm clock on my table. I had to put it on Dan's side of the bed. I was waking up every 45 mins to 1 hour looking at the time. I still feel sometime that I just lay there, but atleast I'm not looking at the time all the time!

Hope you all have a wonderful Fun Monday!


ellen b. said...

That's a very practical style of table for the stuff you need at your bedside. Enjoy your studies...

Alison said...

Your table is about as bad as mine!! But mine is filled with piles of books!!

Unknown said...

Hubby has one of those c-pap machines too. We don't have an alarm clock, just use our cells phones. :)

Gattina said...

I appreciate your honnesty, lol at least I have something to look at ! My bedside table looks so neat because I don't read anymore in my bed I fall in my bed and I sleep ! That's this way since 3 years. Before I had so much stuff on my table you couldn't see it anymore !

Joy T. said...

I think your the second person I've come across on Fun Monday who mentioned this c-pap and I have a feeling there might be more. Must be a lot of snorers out there!

Hootin Anni said...

I know what you mean about alarm a bedroom I think they'd should be disallowed! I find I sleep better without knowing what the clock is telling me. LOL

Happy Fun Monday. I hope you can find time to drop by for a visit today.

Aoj and The Lurchers said...

Everything you need to hand - just what a bedside table should have! I must admit that I stopped smoking in the bedroom....not for any other reason than it was one way of cutting down!

laurie said...

ah yes, the ever-important bedside belt buckle...

Sayre said...

The clock lives on my side of the bed for that very reason - my husband keeps looking at it if it's on his side.

Peter said...

I had to promise myself I wouldn't ask about the toilet paper.... thanks for posting.

Baba said...

What a "fun Monday" you have posted..I snore , but have not been put on a CPAP machine...The alarm clock is on my side of the bed, but when it goes off in the morning , I make my husband walk around the bed and turn it off....he is the one getting up... not me...

Anonymous said...

The only reason there is no ashtray by my bed is that I don't smoke indoors. Permit me to envy you.

Holly said...

Our whole headboard is a bedisde table. That fun Mon. wold have taken me a long time. Plus, we have drawers that slide into the headboard. Geez. I'm gad eople exlaine dthe CPap machine, I figured it had something to do with your sleeping problems, but I was going to have to ask.

Anonymous said...

What is a c-pap machine?
What is an alarm clock?

kitten said...

A C-Pap machine is to help you breath when you are a sleep. It forces air through your airways for they can not close when you are relaxed and a sleep. Mine has a humidifier to keep my nose from getting so dried out.
People that has sleep apnea, their air ways collapse when they are a sleep.

Kaytabug said...

I learned something new today!!! i never knew there was anything called a c-pap machine and now I know what its for too!!
I just love how your lamp shade is lopsided!! It is cute!

Kim said...

I've always wondered about those machines. Does it help you?

Sauntering Soul said...

I'm not mentioning the bottle you don't want to mention but yippee for you leaving it there!

Sandy said...

Nice collection of stuff, there! Now I'm going to lecture you. Nope, not the ashtray. The lamp. You need a better reading lamp!

Jientje said...

I have learned a thing or two again today! I did not know what a C-pap machine was. I do now, but I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't know!
Very brave of you to show us all of your ... stuff! LOL!

Jill said...


Robinella said...

I went through a period of clock watching. It was when I was nursing and basically just waited for the next two hours to pass before I would be up again. My boys were like "clockwork" with their nursing.

Attie said...

OHH that so reminded me of my Grandma ( Ethel0...her bedside table was always packed with everything under the sun!!!
Thanks for that!! I love thinking of her!!

Tiggerlane said...

The last little I get banned from your blog if I guess "KY?"

ChrisB said...

All you needs are to hand!!

the rotten correspondent said...

Can we all guess about the mystery bottle? Can we? Huh? Please?

Anonymous said...

The c pap machine is the reason I had to give my bed table with a shelf to my husband. It is also the reason I use earplugs. nLooks like you are reading some wonderful books.
Kathy b

Beckie said...

I know what you mean about the clock - I check mine a lot. I think I would have to get up and look at the time if I didn't have it right there in my face.

Retrohipster said...

Congrats for not taking anything off of your stand!!

Anonymous said...

My stand has a smaller top surface that is more crowded and I have 3 drawers that are in need of organizing. As you know Sirdar has a C-PAP machine and needs a new one as his is very old.

Linda said...

I snore pretty badly, and had myself tested for apnea. I thought I was going to have to sleep with a Cpap there for a while, but turns out I'm just a snorer....lose a little weight, get rid of the birds... yeah, like that's ever gonna happen! Fun post!

Anonymous said...

What is up with Blogger tonight. Took me three tries to get the comment box. Yours isn't the first.

Anyway, I also have a CPAP machine but I use the nasal pillows. I found the over the nose mask didn't give me a good seal.

the planet of janet said...

i have to put my alarm clock across the room so i have to get OUT of bed to turn it off. otherwise...zzzzz

thanks for sharing your nightstand!

Megnificent said...

Ah, you have such a variety of fun things. You know, my hubby is the worst snorer in the world. I really would like to get him one of those cpap machines. He often holds his breath and wakes up gasping. I wonder if I can find one of those suckers online. Hmm.

Love that you study your Bible, too. Good for you.

Anonymous said...

Loads of neat stuff, mines is to neat and boring for anyone to care

Mariposa said...

Nice books!

Anonymous said...

Hello :)
Thanks for visiting my Fun Monday as well.
I wasn't brave enough to post a picture of my bedside table - it's much too cluttered!
Do like the books you've got :) I've come across Kay Arthur but not read anything she's written, is it good? I've just finished reading God On Mute by Pete Greig, was brilliant and perfect timing!

Pamela said...

ha! My bedside looked like that for years. Now I have trouble sleeping so I roam. But mostly that stuff ends up beside my computer.

You made me laugh about the alarm clock. Sometimes I need to turn mine away, too. But only because it glows in the dark.